Beech Bark
Beech Bark (30 gms)
30 gms is Equivalent to Approximately 6 Generously Heaped Tblsps
LATIN NAME - Fagus Sylvatica
Beech Trees are are easily Identified by their very Distinctive Smooth Gray Bark that has been Described as Resembling the Skin of an Elephant.
As Beech Trees Age, the Bark Develops Grooves and on Mature Trees the Bark looks like it has Ridges or Shallow Cracks that run Horizontally on the Trunk.
Use Beech Bark when Performing Spells & Rituals for:
- Knowledge
- Wisdom
- Learning
- Understanding
- Nourishment
- Preservation
- Spiritual Awakening
- Gender - Feminine
- Planet - Mercury & Saturn
- Element - Air & Earth
Traditionally Beech Bark was thought to be Lethal to Snakes and it is said that if you Bury it into the Ground it will Manifest as the Wood Decays and will get Absorbed back into Mother Earth.
Use Beech Bark in Spells and Rituals to Open Communication with Spirits and It will allow you to Draw Divine Energy into your Magic.
It is said that you should carry Small Piece of Beech Bark in your Pocket, it will Ensure Luck and Success and if you Place Powdered Beech Wood in your Right Shoe, it will Lead to you to your Fortune.
Beech is Feminine Tree and is Beneficial for Spells & Rituals Concerning Healing, Romance, Love, Friendship and Harmony. Tradition also tells that Beech Bark is Beneficial for Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Practices and is Excellent for Binding Magic.
Beech Connects us with Wisdom from our Ancestors and helps us to find Answers in the Present.
Beech Bark is Traditionally Believed to be Beneficial in the Treatment of:
Lung Problems
Skin Complaints
- Cleansing the Blood
- Antacids
- Antipyretic
- Antiseptic
- Antitussive
- Expectorant
Because of the Astringent Benefits that Beech Bark contains, it has been used Traditionally in Healing Rituals since Ancient Times and Beech Bark was used Routinely used as a Remedy for Minor Ailments and Conditions such as Haemorrhoids, Boils and Skin Complaints.
Because of its Antioxidant Potential, Beech Bark gives a Positive Boost to the Immune System.
Antioxidants can Negate Free Radicals that can cause Chronic Disease and Mutations within Cells, Including Cancer Cells.