Dried Ginkgo Leaves (30 gms)
30 gms is Equivalent to Approximately Generously Heaped Tblsps
LATIN NAME - Biloba Ginkgo
Also Known as:
- Fossil Tree
- Maidenhair Tree
- Japanese Silver Apricot
The Ginkgo is one of the Oldest Living Tree Species in the World, Living up to 4000 Years. A Combination of Ginkgos Resistance to Disease, the Insect Resistant Wood, and the Ability to Form Aerial Roots and Sproutings, makes Ginkgo a very Durable Tree, with some Specimens Claimed to be more than 2,500 Years old. The Oldest Surviving Gingko is Believed to be Growing in the Garden of the Łańcut Palace in Poland, dating from Between 1629 and 1641.
Young Ginkgo Trees are often Tall and Slenderwith and Sparse Branches and Develop a Crown that Becomes Broader as the Tree Ages and can Reach a Height of Between 66 to 115 feet.
Ginkgo have Long, Somewhat Erratic Branches that Sprout the Unique Fan Shaped Leaves and have Veins that Radiate out into the Leaf Blade. The Leaves are usually 2–4 inches Long but can grow up to 6 inches Long.
Ginkgos have a Magnificent Autumn Foliage with Saffron Yellow Coloured Leaves that drop Rapidly once the Season Turns.
It is Usually a Deep Rooted Tree and Extremely Resistant to Wind and the Ravages of Winter Damage.
Use Ginkgo when Performing Spells & Rituals for:
- Resilience
- Peace
- Hope
- Love
- Timelessness
- Longevity
- Gender - Not Known
- Planet - Venus
- Element - Not Known
Ginkgo Leaf has been used Traditionally as a Brain Enhancement Supplement for many Centuries, both in Medicine and in Magic. Ginkgo is Considered an Elder amongst Trees with Powerful Magical Energies, and has been Traditionally used in Spells and Rituals Pertaining to Longevity. Tradition also tells that on the Event of a Birth in a Family, a Ginkgo Tree should be Planted at the Family Home to Ensure a Long Healthy Life and also for Deaths to Enable a Peaceful and Healthy Transition in the Afterworld.
Ginkgo Leaf is also Beneficial in Healing Rituals and Spells and to aid Mental Perception, an Aphrodisiac and Fertility Issues. Ginkgo is also Associated with Duality, which Recognizes the Feminine and Masculine in all Living things.
Ginkgo is Traditionally Believed to be Beneficial in the Treatment of:
- Improving Blood Circulation
- Treating Blood Related Conditions
- Fighting Inflammation
- Improving Heart Health
- Promoting Brain Function
- Dementia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Improving Cognition
- Reducing the risk of Alzheimers
- Lowering Blood Pressure
- Alleviating Pain
- Protecting the Nervous System
- Reducing the risk of Cancer
- Relieving symptoms of PMS
- Asthma
- Hemorrhoids
- Altitude Sickness
- Tinnitus
- Vertigo
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Quercetin
- Glucose
- Terpene Lactones
- Rhamnose
- Ginkgolide A
- Ginkgolide B
- Ginkgolide C
- Ginkgolide J
- Ginkgolide M
- Bilobetin
- Ginkgetin
- Isoginkgetin
- Scieadopitysin
- Proanthocyanidins
- Ginkgolic Acid
- Ascorbic Acid
- Carotenoids
- Bilobalide
Ginkgo is widely known for its Medicinal Properties, as the many Studies into its use has Discovered especially in the area of Increased Oxygenation of the Brain, which in turn will Create a Positive Effect on it's Functioning as Ginkgo Improves Mental Capacities like Concentration, Memory and Improving Learning Abilities.
One of the most Important Benefits of Ginkgo is its Remarkably Beneficial Effects on the Cardiovascular System by Improving the Effectiveness and Increasing Capacity to keep things running Smoothly.
Some Studies have shown that Ginkgo Extract can Prevent Damage to Brain Cells caused by Diminished Blood Supply to Tissues or Organs of the Body, which can Cause a Shortage of Oxygen Diminished Blood Supply to any Tissue or Organ of the Body, Ginkgo also helps in the Reduction of Cholesterol Levels, and Stabalizing Blood Pressure.
Ginkgo also has Mood Stabilizing and Analgesic Properties and Ginkgo Extract is Believed to be Beneficial for Long Term Fatigue, as an Aid in the Treatment of Depression and for Premenstrual and Menopausal Problems.