Dried St John's Wort
Dried St John's Wort (15 gms)
15 gms is Equivalent to Approximately 8 Generously Heaped Tblsps
LATIN NAME - Hypericum Perforatum
Also Known as:
- Common St John's Wort
- Klamath Weed
- Goatweed
- Tipton Weed
- Devil's Scourge
- Rosin Weed
- God's Wonder Plant
- Perforate St John's Wort
St. John’s Wort is Probably one of the Best Known Midsummer Plants. The Bright Yellow Flowers can be Found Growing on Embankments, Roadsides and even on Rubbish Dumps.
The Common Name of St. John’s Wort is Believed to Originate from the Fact that it’s Yellow Petals ‘Bleed’ when they are Crushed and that it Begins Flowering around the Around the time of the Summer Solstice on 24th of June, the Date on which St. John the Baptist was Beheaded.
St. John’s Wort is a Perennial Herbaceous Plant that can Reach as Tall as 20 to 40 inches. The Plant Sometimes Forms very Deep Branched Roots that can reach up to 24 inches into the Ground.
The Leaves have an Elongated and Slightly Oval Shape to them and are arranged opposite sides of the Stem.
Both the Leaves and the Stems of St. John's Wort are Hairless and Flowers Between June and September.
The Small Flowers are Golden Yellow and Joined Together with 5 Petals to Form a Flower Cluster with a Central Stem Bearing a Single Terminal Flower that Develops First with the other Flowers in the Cluster Developing as Terminal Buds of Lateral Stems. The Flowers of St. John’s Wort, like the Leaves, Contain Oil Glands, Because of this Property, St. John’s Wort was, for a long time one of the most Important Plant Dyes.
Use St Johns Wort when Performing Spells & Rituals for:
- Evil Eye Curses
- Hexes
- Banishing Demons
- Banishing Forces of Evil
- Divination
- Health
- Protection
- Strength
- Prophetic Dreams
- Gender - Masculine
- Planet - Sun
- Element - Fire
St. John's Wort is Possibly the most Well known of the Midsummer Herbs, Although Throughout History this Plant has not had a Particulary Good Reputation with Witches especially during the times when Witches were Burned. it is Believed that St. John's Wort was held to the Mouths of the Accused Witches in an Attempt to Force them to Confess. Despite this Unfavourable Association, St Johns Wort is still a much Favored Herb Among Witches for use in Spells and Rituals for its Protective Properties.
To Protect yourself from Evil Forces you should Carry it with you at all Times.
Traditionally St. John’s Wort was Hung by Doorways or Placed on the Threshold in Order To Prevent a Sorcerer from Entering the House. It was also Believed to be able to Protect from Ghosts and Evil Witches.
St Johns Wort is Traditionally Believed to be Beneficial in the Treatment of:
- Pain Relief
- Sedative
- Anxiety
- Tension
- Rheumatism
- Sciatica
- Shingles
- Menopause
- Mild Depression.
- Caryophyllene
- Cineole
- Pinene
- Ascorbic Acid
- Vitamin C
- Stearic Acid
- Palmitic Acid
- Hyperforin
- Hypericin
- Limonene
- Quercetin
St John’s Wort is Purported to Contain High Levels of Hypericin which is a Compound that is Believed to Inhibit Enzymes known as Monoamine Oxidases which have been Linked to Depression and Anxiety. By Inhibiting Monoamine Oxidases Contained in St John’s Wort, it can Generate a Sense of Well Being and can Improve Mood Swings, Chronic Fatigue and Improve Low Energy Levels.
St John’s Wort also Works by Targeting all Four Neurotransmitters that are Responsible for Regulating Moods, Noradrenaline, Dopamine, Serotonin and Gamma Aminobutyric Acid with the Ability to Treat Depression and Anxiety with Remarkable Results.
Some of the Medicinal Benefits that St Johns Wort Flowers Contain are Anti Depressant, Anti Anxiety, Antibacterial, Anti Fungal, Anti Viral, Anti Inflammatory Aid, as well as with Healing Burns, Alleviating Headaches and Migraines and as a Sedative.
As an Oil or Lotion, St John's Wort Works as an Anti-Inflammatory and Aids in Healing. It can also be used to Treat Wounds, Bruises, Varicose Veins, Mild Burns, Sunburn, and Rheumatism.